

erdiko/authenticate package


composer require erdiko/authenticate

Git repo: https://github.com/Erdiko/authenticate


This package helps you to manage authentication process. It includes JWT as default authenticator.


Authenticate uses Pimple, Symfony Security and Firebase PHP-JWT. These are listed in the package.json file and are automatically downloaded.

In case of Pimple, we chose this package to manage Dependency Injection, allowing us to add more flexibility and extensibility. It also adds compatibility with Symfony Security module. Finally the JWT package, is being used to provide a build in working example of authentication extension using this protocol.

Setup / Configuration

Before you start using this package, it needs some initial setup/config.

Add config

Authenticate needs a config file called authenticate.json


In this file will be defined two major components, the first one related with storage and the other related with authentication.


For the storage we provided a SessionStorage service, but you can add your custom storage service just implementing erdiko\authenticate\StorageInterface interface and adding it to the config file. For more details refer to Extending

In case of authentication, there are two steps, Authenticator and Authentication that implements erdiko\authenticate\AuthenticatorInterface and erdiko\authenticate\AuthenticationInterface respectively. Within your app, let's say LoginController or whenever you place the login, you will use an instance of Authenticator that will provide you a set of useful method to login, logout, maintain cache among others. This authenticator object will use the authentication type you select, between all of the enabled options you defined in the authenticate.json config, and that is the implementation of the second Interface.

There is an example of config file located in the package. You can copy from vendor/erdiko/authenticate/app/config/default/authenticate.json

  "authentication": {
    "available_types": [{
      "name": "jwt_auth",
      "namespace": "erdiko_authenticate_services",
      "classname": "JWTAuthentication",
      "enabled": true
  "storage": {
    "selected": "session",
    "storage_types": [{
      "name": "session",
      "namespace": "erdiko_authenticate_Services",
      "classname": "SessionStorage",
      "enabled": true

As we mention above, the authentication will define the available classes that implements the user's validation logic. You can choose between a list of them defined in this config. For example, you can have one class that allows you to authenticate using oAuth methods, other that use LDAP, other that use database, and so on.

Same for the storage section, except that you should use only one type at time, that's why this section has a selected field.

Let's breakdown the config fields. In both cases:

  • name: is the key will be used to references an individual class.
  • namespace: represents a translated class namespace, e.g.: for app\lib\service should be app_lib_services, the rule is: replace back slash with underscore.
  • classname: is the exact name of the class and it is case-sensitive.
  • enabled: True, if it's available to use, false, if you want to disable temporarily.