Configuring a database¶
Your database credentials belong in app/config/shared/database.json
The default settings are good for most projects, but can be easily changed. At a minimum, you will need to update 'host', 'database', 'username', and 'password'.
"default": "master",
"entities": "/entities",
"is_dev_mode": 1,
"connections": {
"master": {
"driver": "pdo_mysql",
"host": "localhost",
"database": "orms",
"username": "webuser",
"password": "webuserpass",
"charset": "utf8",
"collation": "utf8_unicode_ci",
"prefix": ""
Pick your ORM or db adapter¶
We have built in support for the (arguably) two most popular database ORMs in the PHP community. These are Doctrine and Eloquent.
Install one of the existing adapters by using composer. Update the database.json config file and use following composer commands to add the ORM of choice.
composer require erdiko/doctrine
See more information on Github
composer require erdiko/eloquent
See more information on Github
Roll your own¶
Look at the above packages for examples of how you can easily create your own. Reach out to us if you have some ideas or need help using other ORMs or database adapters with Erdiko.
We have used erdiko with other database packages but have not officially supported them. We have been contemplating adding zend-db and propel and spot. If you wish to contribute an integration package please let us know.