
Example App

Add a BMI calculator page using Javascript

  1. Open the main config file located at app/config/default/application.json

  2. Find the menu section, for example:

"menu": {
    "main": [{
        "href": "/examples/examples",
        "title": "Examples"
    }, {
        "href": "/examples/markup",
        "title": "Mark-Up"
    } ...

Insert the following json code under main:

  1. Open the routing config file located at /app/config/default/routes.json. We can see that sites located at / will be routed to the controller Index and sites located at /examples/ will be routed to the controller Example.

  2. Open the controller Example located at /app/controllers/Examples.php

  3. Add the following function inside the Examples class

  1. Create a file called bmi.php under /app/views/examples/

  2. Open the bmi.php and add the following code:

  1. Create example.js under the folder /app/themes/hello/js/

  2. Paste the following code to example.js

  1. Save all changes, and open a web brower.

  2. Go to localhost, click the BMI tab on the menu, and then you should see this.

Add a BMI calculator page using new route

  1. Open the main config file located at /app/config/default/application.json

  2. Find the menu section and insert the following code.

  1. Open the routing config file located at app/config/default/routes.json. Add a new rule to the route.

    ["Calculator/([a-zA-Z0-9_\-/]+)", "\app\controllers\Calculator"],
  2. Then, we will need to create a new controller for the new route. To create a new controller, create Calculator.php under the folder /app/controllers/

  3. Paste the following code inside Calculator.php

  1. Create a view called bmi.php under /app/views/examples/

  2. Open bmi.php and add the following code:

  1. Create a file called bmi_post.php under /app/views/examples/

  2. Open the bmi_post.php and add the following code:

  1. Save all changes, and open the site in your web brower.

  2. Click the BMI tab on the menu, and then you should see the following results.

BMI Version 2

BMI Version 2 Result